A kidney transplant is a process done surgically to remove the diseased kidney with a healthy and fit kidney from a live or deceased donor who is matching in terms of the patient’s blood group. The transplanted kidney takes over the work of two kidneys that failed so that the patient doesn’t need to spend a lot of money on dialysis.

Kidneys are bean-shaped organs located on each side of the spine, below the rib cage. The major function of a kidney is to filter and process extra waste, minerals, and other fluids from the blood by producing fluid waste called urine.

A kidney transplant has to be done when the kidneys lose their ability to filter these wastes and thus leading to harmful waste and fluids accumulating in the patient’s body, which could result in increased blood pressure and ultimately lead to kidney failure.

During the kidney transplant operation, the donated kidney is replaced with the diseased one. The new kidney is placed in the lower abdomen with the artery and the vein, connected to the body’s artery and vein. The new kidney starts creating urine as soon as the blood starts flowing through it. Many times, it takes weeks to process and function properly.


The pause for a new and matching donor can be very long sometimes. Generally, the transplanted kidney is from a deceased donor or a family member. 

About 2 lakh patients in India are waiting for a generous kidney donor when merely 1,500 donors are available. It is reported and calculated by the Health Ministry of India that there have been 21,395 kidney transplants from 1971 to 2015, out of which only 783 donors were from cadaver or deceased donors. This is also due to hesitation and lack of awareness among the patients’ families.

Nonetheless, after 2012, India has witnessed a significant rise in organ donations. The Live Kidney Transplant Programme in India has evolved in the past 50 years and is currently the second-largest program in numbers after the USA.

As of now, kidney transplant costs between ₹5 Lakh to ₹6 Lakh in private hospitals of the country. And post-treatment, the monthly cost comes around ₹ 15,000 with the charges of lifelong medicines around ₹10,000 per month.

It is a fact that India is the diabetic capital of the world, and an increase in diabetes patients also results in a proportionate increase in the number of Chronic Kidney Disease patients. Most patients suffering from kidney problems turn to medical help at the end stage, leaving dialysis and kidney transplant as the last option!

Visit Bluebliss Hospital for Kidney Transplantation in Bangalore 


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